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NEET Biology Chapter Wise Weightage to excel your NEET 2025 Preparation

Biology is the most scoring subject for NEET. However, there is a single book of biology in XI and XII. But in NEET, NTA divides the subject into two segments viz., BOTANY and ZOOLOGY. Each of these segments will have 45 single Multiple-choice questions (MCQ).

S.No.ChapterNumber of questions in NEET 2024 Total
1The living world 7 
2Biological classification2
3Plant kingdom1
4Animal kingdom4
5Morphology of flowering plants511
6Anatomy of flowering plants3
7Structural organization in animals plus cockroach3
8Cell – unit of life414
10Cell cycle and cell division4
12Respiration in plants2
13Plant growth and development3
14Breathing and exchange of gases212
15Body fluids and circulation2
17Movement and locomotion2
18Neural control and coordination2
19Chemical control and coordination2
1Sexual reproduction in flowering plants29
2Human reproduction5
3Reproductive health2
4Principles of inheritance and variation512
5Molecular basis of inheritance7
7Human health and diseases44
8Microbes in human welfare11
9Biotechnology: principles and processes69
10Applications of biotechnology3
11Organism and population28
13Biodiversity and conservation5

There are many chapters for which questions will come in both BOTANY and ZOOLOGY. For e.g., Cell – unit of life, Cell cycle and cell division, Biomolecules, Biotechnology, Genetics and Ecology are some of the chapters from which questions will come in both the segments.

In NARAYANA, during NARAYANA GRAND TESTS we follow the same pattern, i.e., we give questions about these chapters in both segments so that your psychology gets set according to the NEET pattern.

One important thing to note from the given table is that Cell, Biomolecules and Cell division are very easy and theoretical chapters, but every year NTA gives more than 10 questions from these three chapters only. Similarly, when you see the number of questions from Genetics and Biotechnology, you will find that these are also very scoring topics for both boards and NEET.

What I suggest when you prepare for biology in a planned way, you can score better marks in less effort. And the remaining time can be used for question practice in Physics and Chemistry. Additionally, it is important to note that you must focus more on question practice rather than simply reading the notes and books.

Best wishes for your upcoming NEET exam!

Name: Mukesh Verma
Department: Botany NEET
Narayana Jaipur Center (NIHQ)

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